Student Beyond Classroom

Today i feature the story of a great mentor and Friend to me. MR Evans Mutea. He joined the business as a first year student in TUK. Coming from a humble background he had to find something to sustain himself. He joined with a goal to just have up keep funds and if possible pay part of his school fees.


With determination and a great opportunity he was able not only to sustain himself but to also pay his school fees. And due to his love for speed he bought himself a super bike towards the end of his second year in school all courtesy of the business..


He made his first 1 million in 1 year working with GIF. do you know any job or i know you know so many people working, how many of them have made 1 million in 1year? Do we have a better way? For a student to make such huge progress while still studying?


With continuous determination to succeed and to change home, be bought himself a nice Subaru Anesis Machine KCQ 557D. Driving to his graduation was a great goal achieved all courtesy of our business. Now he owns 2 babies and have a choice to make every morning on how he wants to arrive in town. For sure Decisions have consequences.


Compare the person who joined TUK And the one who graduated as a computer šŸ–„ Scientist while others are going to look for jobs which doesn\’t exist, he is graduating as a job creator and is building a huge clothing store online too Standard Clothing all courtesy of this business

He is now one of my Master Mind Group Members. My inner circle Think Tank Team. You can all guess my next achievement but how about you? Will you just be watching or you\’ll be part of us? JOIN US TODAY. SLIDE NOW

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